Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Sightings -- Like Flying Birds

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I'm stuck on birds again this week.  :)

One morning last week, when I went out to grab the package that the UPS driver left at my front door, I noticed tiny bird prints all over the fresh snow blown onto our porch.

It's a little hard to tell from the photos, but there were so many prints, and right on my porch!  Those birds were brave.

Then, a day or so after that, I heard lots of melodious chirping right outside my back patio door.  I've learned that one must tiptoe or one will not see any birds.  These starlings (which is what I think they are) were happily chattering while they searched for seeds and other food.

Looking out my patio window

I oh-so-patiently and carefully opened the back door, but alas--the birds instantly took flight.  Still, it was fun to get a glimpse of our cheery visitors.

I leave you with an interesting verse about birds:

Like flying birds so the LORD of hosts will protect Jerusalem,
He will protect and deliver it;
He will pass over and rescue it.
Isaiah 31:5 nasb

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1 comment:

  1. Whoa! What a thrill to see the birds so close. I enjoyed your photos, Christine. Thank you for sharing them here @ Saturday Sightings. Beautiful verse and it beautifully fits to your post.

    I hope you are feeling better now.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
